Monday, February 23, 2009

Tuesdays with Tom

Join me for one or more of my weekly teleseminars in which I will discuss a number of topics including estate planning, wills and trust, probate and estate administration, trust administration, taxes, business succession planning, medicaid planning, private foundations, special needs planning, and more.

Now, with a simple telephone call, you can participate in one of my renowned educational teleseminars from the comfort of your home.

Simply click HERE for a schedule of upcoming teleseminars (including topics and featured guests) and for registration information.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Michigan Medicaid Estate Recovery

Download and listen to this podcast of my recent Tuesdays with Tom teleseminar "Michigan Medicaid Estate Recovery".

Responsibilities of a Successor Trustee

Download and listen to this podcast of my recent Tuesdays with Tom teleseminar "Responsibilities of a Successor Trustee".